Exploring the Use of Student-Developed Outreach Videos to Provide Mental Health Wellness Education-A Pilot Project
BACKGROUND: Mental health and wellness outreach has been an area of concern at colleges and universities in the United States and a variety of electronic methods have been used to successfully promote health and wellness. This pilot project was in response to a previous descriptive study examining mental health issues on campus. AIMS: The primary aim of this project was to determine if implementing a peer-led outreach program in the form of bi-weekly, short-form educational videos would increase knowledge of mental health and wellness in students developing the videos. The secondary aim was to provide students an alternate clinical assignment that improved presentation development and group dynamics. METHODS: Nursing students enrolled in a psychiatric nursing course collaborated in small groups to create bi-weekly videos on topics related to mental health and wellness. RESULTS: The peer-led outreach intervention demonstrated positive outcomes, such as increased understanding of the common mental health issues facing college students and awareness of campus, as well as outside resources to assist with mental health and wellness. CONCLUSION: This project may increase the body of knowledge related to the importance of campus outreach, peer support, and general awareness of mental wellness and resources during pandemic restraints. Utilizing condensed, peer-led educational outreach via video format has the potential to aid in the educational development of psychiatric nursing students.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.20849/ijsn.v6i4.925
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International Journal of Studies in Nursing ISSN 2424-9653 (Print) ISSN 2529-7317 (Online)
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