Demonstration of Transitional Locally Made Beehive Around Protected Areas in Central Rift Valley of Oromia, Ethiopia
The study was conducted in Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha and Arsi Negele districts of Oromia regional state of Ethiopia with the objective of enhancing the production and productivity of beekeeping in the area through demonstration of transitional locally made beehive around protected areas. Beekeepers around protected areas were purposively selected based on their interest in beekeeping, experience in traditional beekeeping, proximity of residence to protected areas and non-addressed areas with technology dissemination activity and two farmers research groups (FRG) consisting a total of 20 members were established to conduct the demonstration of beekeeping technology. Theoretical and practical training sessions about seasonal bee management practices, intermediate beekeeping construction, implementation and honey harvesting techniques integrated to natural resources rehabilitation was given to a total of 50 beekeepers,4 district honey experts and 6 development agents. After training, twenty four transitional locally made beehives were constructed and honeybee colonies were transferred and inspected regularly undertaken to follow up the progress of the bee colonies in partnership with FRG members, experts and development agents. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected, systematically analyzed and interpreted using descriptive statics such as percentage, mean and presented in table. Accordingly, an average of 15.4kg and 12.1kg of honey was harvested per harvesting season from transitional beehive at Adami Tulu and Arsi Negele, respectively. Therefore integration of intermediate beekeeping technology with protected areas can enhance the income of household and encourages planting of bee forages which directly contributes for sustainable forest managements. Thus government and other stakeholders at all levels should provide technical services for beekeeping to align improved beekeeping to protected areas and all best practices should be scaled up so that honey production is increased and sustained.
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Asian Journal of Social Science Studies ISSN 2424-8517 (Print) ISSN 2424-9041 (Online)
Copyright © July Press
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