On the Jurisdiction of Foreign Divorce Cases in China

Xueer Han, Hanyue Xue, Yiou Chen, Xuelin Liu, Yitao Liu


This article takes China’s jurisdiction over foreign-related divorce cases as an entry point, and systematically expounds the provisions of China’s foreign-related divorce jurisdiction. According to my country’s regulations, my country’s jurisdiction over a foreign-related divorce is vertically divided into direct jurisdiction and indirect jurisdiction, and horizontally divided into personal Jurisdiction, territorial jurisdiction, exclusive jurisdiction, and jurisdiction by agreement. In my country’s Civil Procedure Law and related judicial interpretations, the domicile of the “plaintiff is the defendant” and the location of the plaintiff under certain circumstances is the main focus. The general solution path of the case; At the same time, my country's regulations on foreign-related divorce cases still have shortcomings, and there are still many areas that need to be improved. This article analyzes the shortcomings and the areas to be improved.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20849/ajsss.v6i5.966


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