International Research in Social Sciences

International Research in Social Sciences is an international open access, double-blind and peer-reviewed journal published in English. The journal bridges social science communities across disciplines and continents. It aims to promote research both in the Social Sciences and its cognates. It covers a wide range of subjects related to social sciences, including business, communication, criminal justice, economics, education, gender, psychology, political science, anthropology, cultural studies, law, history, geography and sociology.

The journal is published in both printed and online versions. The online version is free to access and download.

To submit a manuscript, please send to:

Journal Homepage Image

Call for Papers - International Research in Social Sciences

International Research in Social Sciences (IRSS) is inviting submission of papers for publication in the forthcoming issue of Vol. 3, No. 1, June, 2025. A length between 3,000-10,000 words is preferred. If you are interested in submitting a paper to this journal, please review the Author Guidelines to see how to submit a paper online.

If your paper is accepted for publication, a publication fee of only 200USD is required to pay. The corresponding author will receive two hard copies in addition to online publication in PDF version.

For any question you have, please contact the Editorial Assistant via:


Join our Editorial Board

We welcome academics and researchers expertizing in education to join our Editorial Board. Reviewers’ names will be listed in the printed journal and on the journal's webpage. Please find the application form and details at:


Online Version First

Online Version First is a featured way of publishing articles in our journal. It allows PDF version of manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and accepted, to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. Readers can freely access or cite the article.


Each paper published in International Research in Social Sciences is assigned with a DOI®number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the published paper. Click HERE to know what is DOI (Digital Object Identifier). And click HERE to retrieve Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for journal articles, books, and chapters.


Paper Selection and Publication Process

Step 1: Submission Acknowledgement

If you submit your manuscript either online or through the journal email, you will receive an email of confirmation from the editorial assistants within 1-2 working days.

Step 2: Basic Review

The editor or editorial assistant determines whether a manuscript fits the journal’s aim and scope. Then, the manuscript is checked for its similarity index by CrossCheck, powered by iThenticate.

Step 3: Peer review

We use double-blind system for peer-review. Both reviewers and authors’ identities remain anonymous. A manuscript will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts: one editorial staff and two external reviewers. The review process may take 2-3 weeks.

Step 4: Acceptance/Rejection Decision

The decision to accept or reject a manuscript is based on suggestions of reviewers. If differences of opinion occur between reviewers, the editor-in-chief will weigh all comments and arrive at a balanced decision based on all comments, or a second round of peer review may be initiated.

Step 5: Notification of the result of review to the corresponding authors by E-mail.

Step 6: Revision and Payment of publication fee (200USD)

The authors are asked to make revisions based on comments from both the editorial board and external reviewers. Then, they should pay a publication fee for the accepted manuscripts.

Step 7: Online Version First Publication and Printed Publication

Manuscripts will be shortly published online upon completion of revision and payment of publication fee. Printed version will be published in the scheduled volume and issue.

Step 8: Post-publication

Online PDF version of a manuscript is free to access and download. After publication of the printed journals, two hard copies of the journals will be sent to the corresponding author.


The publisher and journal have a policy of “Zero Tolerance on the Plagiarism”. We check the plagiarism issue with two methods: reviewer check and plagiarism prevention tool (iThenticate).

All submissions will be checked by iThenticate before being sent to reviewers.


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Vol 2, No 1 (2024)

Vol. 2, No. 1, May, 2024

Table of Contents


Humayun Kabir Khondakar