Artificial Intelligence in Art: Bridging the Gap Between Automation and Human Expression

Hasan Rammal, Hussin J. Hejase, Ali El Takach


The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in art is examined in this study, focusing on how AI can bridge the gap between automation and human creativity. Using a qualitative approach, the study gathers information through in-depth interviews with academics, artists, and professionals in the art field to understand their perspectives on integrating AI into the creative process. The study looks at how AI technologies affect artistic creation, from creating new works of art to enhancing conventional techniques. It investigates AI's practical, philosophical, and ethical ramifications in art. The interviews provide a thorough understanding of AI's potential to expand artistic boundaries while maintaining human emotional expression, which presents various viewpoints on the technology's capacity to complement rather than replace human creativity. The findings suggest that while AI offers new tools for creativity, it also calls for reexamining concepts such as authorship, originality, and the nature of creativity. This study contributes to the ongoing discussion about the relationship between art and technology by highlighting how artificial intelligence (AI) changes how art is created and interpreted in the modern era.

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Asian Journal of Social Science Studies  ISSN 2424-8517 (Print)  ISSN 2424-9041 (Online)  

Copyright © July Press

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