Research on the Promotion Path of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Primary School Campus Based on the AGIL Model

Yudan Chen, Shuxian Zheng, Ying Hua, Zhixue Sun


With the introduction of policies to promote intangible cultural heritage into schools, intangible cultural heritage plays an increasingly important role in primary education. However, the implementation of the intangible cultural heritage policy in primary schools is mostly formalized, which leads to many problems in the introduction of intangible cultural heritage, such as mainly staying at the level of visual display and public opinion publicity, carrying out a small number of intangible cultural experience activities, and insufficient materialization and scenization of intangible cultural heritage, so that students cannot feel the inherent charm of intangible cultural heritage. In order to promote the development of intangible cultural heritage education, this paper uses the AGIL model of Parsons, literature analysis, case analysis and interview methods to study the promotion path of intangible cultural heritage in primary schools, and proposes solutions such as setting educational goals for school segments, setting up intangible cultural experience activities in schools, combining intangible cultural heritage with subject courses, and establishing a good maintenance mode. After the program is applied into practice, it is found that the use of storytelling by teachers to popularize the relevant knowledge of intangible cultural heritage is conducive to stimulating students' interest and prompting students to think. In addition, teaching and life practice should be combined, and students' five education should be emphasized at the same time to avoid teaching uniformity.

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Journal of Education and Development  ISSN 2529-7996 (Print)  ISSN 2591-7250 (Online)

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