Balancing Well-being and Social Harmony. An Interdisciplinary Educational Approach

Alberto Ciferri, Cinzia Bongianni


This article reviews the finalities and the methodology of a multidisciplinary educational course designed for students at the high school level. The course can be included in the conventional curricula of public or private schools or used for educational conferences by municipalities. The course is not based on conventional disciplines but rather on socio-economic indicators, which have been recently considered for a classification of the development of various countries. In particular, the course focuses on two indicators “social harmony” and “well-being” that are regarded as the most relevant indices of the quality of life. A brief assessment of cognitive science, relevant to the definition of the indicators, is included.

The introduction of elements of real life into educational curricula was pioneered by early educators. The lack of a balance between economic well-being and social harmony appears a primary factor in the conflicts prevailing in the world. It is expected that the introduction elements of real life in current curricula might promote a more balanced society, and also stimulate the development of an interdisciplinary socio-economic discipline.

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Journal of Education and Development  ISSN 2529-7996 (Print)  ISSN 2591-7250 (Online)

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