A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Garrido, Hector Belmar, I am a researcher at the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educacion, and I research and work at the Instituto Nacional de Capacitacion Profesional (INACAP). (Chile)
Gaskins, Whitney
Germelmann, Claas Christian
Ghimbi, Nicaise Leandre Mesmin
Gicheru Ndei, Joseph
Gillum, Deborah R.
Githae Kaboro, Peter
Goetz, Lisiane, University of State of Pará (Brazil)
Goldberg, Daniel, Temple University
Goldberg, Daniel, Temple University (United States)
Goldberg, Daniel
Gomez, Audri Sandoval
Grace, Kelly
Guanzon, Angelica
Gullo, Dominic F.
Guo, Yuqi
Guy, Batsheva
Hansbourgh, Carole
Harripaul, Cyril
Harrison, Jamie
Haydon-Howard, Jay
He, Chang
He, Zhongxia
Heinz, Michael
Hill, TL, Temple University (United States)
Hostetler, Tina
Hu, Jiaqiang
Hua, Ying, South China Normal University (China)
Huang, Jieya, Beijing normal University (China)
Hughes, Michael
Hutchison, Laveria F.
Hwang, Jung Eun, Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Korea, Republic of)
Hwang, Jung Eun, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine (Korea, Republic of)
Iglesias-Martínez, Marcos Jesús, Faculty of Alicante University of Alicante Spain (Spain)
Ikounga, Roger Pierre
Imonje, Rosemary Khitieyi, UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI (Kenya)
Imonje, Rosemary Khitieyi, University of Nairobi, Kenya (Kenya)
Imonje, Rosemary Khitieyi
Inbar-Lourie, Ofra
Irvine, Jeff
Itighise, Atim Edet
Jaftha, Nevena
Jaros, Milan
Jarrell, Sherry
Jenkins, Wendi M.
Jeong, Su Jin
Jesca, Audo
Jiang, Yuanyuan
Jin Kim, Na
Jones, Tiara R.
Joseph-Alleyne, Gail
Jurges, Hendrik
Kang, Hyun Jung
Kanjogu Kiumi, John
Khitieyi, Rosemary
Kiebler, Shannon
Kikas, Eve
Kim, Hyunjin, University of Rhode Island (United States)
Kim, Na Jin, Master Center for Medical Education Support, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Korea, Republic of)
Kim, Na Jin, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine (Korea, Republic of)
Kim, Su Young, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine (Korea, Republic of)
Kim, Su Young, - Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea - Department of Biomedicine and Health Sciences, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Korea, Republic of)
Kobutungi, Phiona
Kobutungi, Phionah, Mbarara University of Science and technology (Uganda)
Kobylinski, Chris
Kong, Xiaoxue
Konishi, Chiaki
Korkeamäki, Riitta-Liisa
Koulombo, Ulrich Armel
Kwao, Alex
Kwon, Nani, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine (Korea, Republic of)
Lamprou, Chris
Landrosh, Nicole V.
Lashley, Lidon
LaValle, Kallie, Concordia University, St. Paul
Lazaro, Mayeso
Lemoine, Pamela A.
Lemoine, Pamela A.
Levering, Katelyn
Levy-Vered, Adi, Beit-Berl college (Israel)
Li, Baoping, Beijing normal University (China)
Li, Guang
Li, Jinke
Li, Qian
Li, Xinfei
Li, Yanyan, Beijing Normal University (China)
Lie, Woon Wern
Lilian, Ganira Khavugwi
Lin, Anqi
Lin, Shuqian
Lin, Zhe
Liu, Lecun
Liu, Xiancheng
Liu, Xinling
101 - 200 of 371 Items << < 1 2 3 4 > >>
Journal of Education and Development ISSN 2529-7996 (Print) ISSN 2591-7250 (Online)
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